This is an ordered list
  1. Lists with numbers in front "ordered lists" means to have the numbers in a row and in German it is called "Nummerierung"
  2. lists with signs in front "unordered lists" means there is a form like a little dot in front and in German we talk about"Aufzählung"
  3. Lists with main topic and sub main topic "definition lists" have the tags DL for to open the list; DT for definition term and and DD for definition description. They are not to close, but you can do it ;). In German I would say it is called "Gliederung"


Talking about unordered lists.


If you want to learn online you have to do the following steps:

  • connect to internet and go to
  • Subscribe to a class following your interests
  • view the lessons which are posted every Saturday
  • download or print it out
  • try to understand what the teacher is talking about - lol - hard if you are German
  • post questions on the classboard - sure you will get great answers and help
  • do your assignment and set up a website
  • don't forget to use a good validator before
  • try to look at other student's work for to learn
  • now the hardest part of all - try to not forget what you have done
  • relax - you are ready for this week


This is a definition list.

first week lesson
we learnt about how to use a validator. We had to set up a webpage and should try to use many different tags in it.
second week lesson
we will learn about the different sorts of lists. We are confrontated with tables and the different tags for it. We have to create a web page using a table with a background color and as many of the tags attributes as we want to use.


Now as I am ready with the lists I will try to look at the tables

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